Being and making disciples who know God and make God known through worship, community, and mission.

“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29

Pointing somewhere else...what a concept. In a culture where the needs and wants of the individual often trumps the needs and wants others, it makes little sense to divert away from ourselves. And yet this is what we see John the Baptist doing as he sees Jesus walking by...pointing others to Him. That is what we want to do through music and the arts at River Valley. We exist to point and invite others (and ourselves) to Jesus.

What is "worship?" Jesus said that true worship happens in "spirit and truth." We believe that worship is our genuine response to the truth of who God is, to the person and work of Jesus Christ on our behalf, and to the Spirit's ongoing work of restoration in our world. We respond to God with love of heart, soul, mind and strength and with love for each other. This reminds us that worshipping God is bigger than a song, a dance or a painting. It is expressed through every aspect of our lives. However, as we come together as a family of co-laborers who are together seeking to love God, one another and our neighbor in Jesus Christ, we will seek to honor Him through the talent and creativity that He has given to us.

We believe that our musical and artistic worship of God in spirit and truth will:
Have God's word (the Bible) as it's final authority
Be an opportunity for God to speak to us and for us to respond to God
Be an occasion for us to gaze at God in His glory and to transformed into Jesus' likeness
Have its basis in the gospel - the new covenant between God and man in Christ Jesus
Address God's triune nature...Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Draw us into community with other believers
Not be merely inward but outward (service and witness)
Be relevant to our culture but not enslaved by it
Be done with zeal and the best of our abilities in response to grace

We acknowledge the rich heritage of our ancient faith handed down to us in the beautiful writings, hymns and art of the past, and yet we are also constantly looking for fresh and weighty expressions of this faith in music, poems, and art and seek to join the two. We acknowledge that all beauty is God's beauty and all truth is God's truth as has been revealed in His word and all creation.

Our music team at RVC is made up of those who play, sing, mix sound, project lyrics/visuals, & record sermons.

For more information please about the music team please contact Pastor Bob at