Being and making disciples who know God and make God known through worship, community, and mission.


“To know God is to be transformed, and thus to be introduced to a life that could not otherwise be experienced.” - D. A. Carson


God makes Himself known to us through creation, through the Christian Scriptures, and most of all through Jesus. His plan is to rescue His creation and chosen family from its broken condition through Jesus and his love, life, death, and resurrection.  We can be part of this great story and be restored to relationship with God by putting our faith in Jesus. This good news is the center of who we are as a church and as individuals. God's Spirit now resides in believers and empowers them to love and obey Him,  love and serve others, and to take the good news of Jesus to everyone. 


Humans are created in the image of God to reflect his life and character. God is a relational God (Father, Son, Spirit). We were designed to live in deep friendship with God and with others. God's church, which is made of up those who follow Jesus around the world, is remade to love, serve, and journey in life and grace with each other. We do this by gathering in large groups (Sundays), smaller groups (Gospel Communities), and faith-building relationships.


God is a sending God. His fame will cover the earth and the good news about Jesus will go to the whole world. God's people, both the church and individuals, are sent to take his love and good news to all the world around us and to make disciples (students and followers of Jesus). We do this by relationally sharing Jesus with others, teaching about Him, planting churches, and engaging in local and global outreach.


For more information about what we believe, our core convictions, or our partnership with Acts 29, click one of the links below.